Automatically Logout from Facebook after Fixed Time

Facebook security is must these days as hackers are just exploiting you profiles stealing important data and then using to loop into other accounts and do much more cheesy stuff, so we have already posted some security measures you could take to protect your account like using HTTPS connection in facebook and even enabling 2 step verification as soon as it is enabled and even scanning your facebook profile using Safego Bitdefender profile scanner online tool.

So now even logging out from your account as soon as you have done doing everything could decrease the possibility of getting hacked and data theft. So now many times what happens is every time you login to your account and surf other sites you normally forget to logout of your account and anyone coming to that PC could use your account and post anything unknown stuff.
So now to protect all these activities "Facebook Auto Logout" extension pops in making logout step a lot easier and that too automatic. You just need to configure the timer according to your usage, so like it can be configured to logout your account after 10/min or in activity or so, this even logs you out as soon as you close browser.
  1. On Chrome install "Facebook Auto Log Out" [Link]
  2. On Firefox install "Facebook Auto-Logout" [Link]
  3. So after your extensions are installed you would be able to see the icon in your status-bar, so now on Firefox by default the timer is set to 1/min but obviously you can change it accordingly.
  4. fb-logout-timerBut if you are one Chrome you need to enable the timer by imputing the exact time you want your Facebook to be logged out, so you won't find any inactivity option for chrome but its straight forward, like you can see in the image on the right.
  5. So now just pop in the exact time make sure you fill every field else it will show error, now just start timer and see how automatically you get logged out of facebook.
So now this is the easiest way to log out and protect your facebook profile from preying eyes. Make sure if you are in any cyber cafe , do install these extension first before browsing facebook maybe these could help in getting security tight :)

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